Adventure in The City

A city under attack. The snake tries to save the day. How are they going to survive this? We created a disaster film for LEGO.

In 2015 we were asked by LEGO China to create an inspiring film showing the unlimited ways children can use their imagination when using their products. 

As our brains are only developed until questionable levels, this was the perfect job for us! We wrote a story about a snake living in a city that is suddenly under attack of both a huge dinosaur and a multi color absorbing virus called The Grey.

The production, which spanned three months, involved us literally playing with LEGO for a living. We created sets at various scales, from an entire city, of which the highest building was only 10 centimetres tall, to separate LEGO bricks that were almost 2 meters wide.

LEGO_Adventure in the City

LEGO_Adventure in the City, making of

We combined various techniques like stop motion and sped-up live action. We also used different techniques to create some of the creatures, like a 50 centimetre tall walking dinosaur that was made from real LEGO bricks.

We designed the small LEGO snake and decided how he should ‘walk’. Created flat LEGO cars that for a moment seem 3D when they make a turn. We built a burning LEGO fire and 2D people running away from the threats. We put in a lot of details that some people only notice after watching the film several times.

The result was a film that was very well received internationally in many film festivals.


